Thank you for looking at my blog-site.
My name is Julie Satchell and I have been a professional gardener for 15 years. Until 2014 I worked in the Marlborough area of Wiltshire where I lived. I moved to Wick St Lawrence (it's near Weston Super Mare) in North Somerset in June 2014 and have been gradually developing my business here since then. I have clients in Wiltshire and visit them regularly. At home in Somerset I'm enjoying working with new clients, some of whom are garden designers whose gardens I maintain after the design has been completed.
I'm a keen horsewoman - the photo above was taken at stables in the Pewsey Vale, Wiltshire, not far from my home. I'm also passionate about the effect the natural world has on our own wellbeing (and the effect we have on the natural world!).
Some years ago I began painting portraits of animals using chalk pastel and pencil. These portraits were for friends at first and I've been lucky enough to have had 6 commissions, for friends and friends of friends, from the South West to Northumberland. Many of these portraits have been a very special gift to immortalise a beloved dog. The picture below was my first portrait, a Bedlington Terrier. I welcome new enquiries about portraits - contact me via 'Contact' page if you're interested in finding out more and I will reply as soon as possible.
Another favourite pastime is walking in the countryside, particularly the Marlborough Downs in Wiltshire. The landscape around Avebury is breathtaking and steeped in myth and legend. Since moving to Somerset, the Somerset Levels, also known as the Avalon Marshes, has become another firm favourite.